
MP3 causes deafness risk

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


February 25, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – Hearing problem was more found in children and youths, and the problem was caused by music player listening.

In the past, hearing problem happened with the aged people who had chronical infected ear and hearing deficiency.

Most Thai teenagers’ hearing deficiency was mainly due to listening to the MP3 music player for too long time.

The number of patients still rose. However, there was no clear survey on deafness caused by MP3 music player.

Normally, hearing problem is caused by loud sound which is higher than 80 decibels.

There were nearly two million disabled people in 2007. This accounted for 3 percent of the country’s total population.

Disability was mostly caused by motorcycle accidents which happened with teenagers, and only one-third of this group was cured until they could depend on themselves.

However, two-thirds become their family’s burdens.