
Opposing online lottery as it will affect small vendors

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


July 9, 2008
Bangkok - The government was urged to revise its policy on online lottery as the online lottery scheme would affect low-income earners, the disabled and small vendors.

Monthien Boontan, selected Senator, said the online lottery would only benefit some online lottery vending machine companies.

These companies were said to earn about 75 million baht per month of revenue.

The low-income earners and the disabled will not be able to access the online lottery scheme as they have to pay 200,000-baht deposit and the monthly rent of 5,000 baht.

Chamlong Srimuang previously opposed the two-and-three-digit lottery scheme during Thaksin government.

It seems the government does not have measures to support 400,000 small vendors who are affected by the scheme.

It is expected the online lottery will lead to increasing number of gamblers in the Thai society.