
Ft cost rises by 0.15 baht a unit

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


January 13, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – The Ft cost will rise to 92.55 satang a unit for January-April power bill, according to the energy ministry.

The power bill tends to averagely rise by 4.91 percent.

The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) was said to bear about 1,036 million baht of the Ft cost difference.

EGAT is supposed to get up to 20,967 million baht of revenue from the Ft cost, and this will be possible only when the fuel prices fall.

Energy ministry and the National Energy Policy Committee (NEPC) will further discuss the LPG price hikes on January 16 as well.

It is possible that the one-time price rise will be used to offset the Oil Fund’s subsidy.

As for the free electricity scheme, the government is likely to limit the free electricity quota at less than 100 units.

The government earlier offered the quota of 80-150 units. 6.7 million households consumed not more than 80 units of electricity. The figures rose to over 7 million recently.