
PAD rejects getting support from businessmen

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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September 1, 2008
Bangkok - Gen Chamlong Srimuang, one of the People’s Alliance for democracy (PAD) leaders, denied getting financial support from any businessmen including Prachai Leophairatana.

Gen Chamlong confirmed Prachai did not give 200 million baht to support the rally, saying his group was only supported by donations.

He said he welcomed examination of the source of money, adding that donations were not that much.

It was reported police tried to mobilize 5,000 people in each province to counteract the PAD group.

Gen Chamlong joined PAD leaders Somsak Kosaisuk amd Pipob Thongchai to hold a press briefing this morning, remarking last night’s bombs were just to prevent people from joining the rally.

He also said that yesterday’s joint session was in vain and could not solve the problem.

Previously, the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship set a seven-day deadline for the PAD protesters to get out of the Government House.

PAD group confirmed it would carry on its peaceful rally, confirming any violent encounter would come from other parties.