
Talking styles reflect habits

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


July 5, 2009
It is said that we’d better listen more than speak as listening will help us understand about other people more. A conversation can certainly tell us what our conversation partners are like.

It does not matter if we have close relationship with our partners or not. The topic of the conversation does matter more.

Observe people you talk to and see if they focus on the following topics or not.

Complain about salary with other people
If your conversation partner complains he or she gets low salary which does not cover the expenditures, it means that person is not sincere or determined to work for good performance. He or she is not loyal to own organization and does not find a way to career advancement.

Gossip about supervisor or boss
A person who likes to talk bad at the back of his or her supervisor/boss often does not respect anyone sincerely. He or she likes to look down on other people, thinking he or she is competent and better although he or she may not. This kind of person is always ambitious, but lacks courage to express opinions as he or she should.

Think of the past
He or she likes to talk about his or her successful past, often thinking he or she still fails and wants to have that glory days one more time.

Like to plan things
He or she always talks about project planning, but has never started anything. This person is not satisfied with his or her life. He or she is ambitious and wants to be successful. However, he or she is not confident in practice. As a result, no plan is carried out.

Ask questions
He or she always asks you questions rather than answer other people’s questions. This person often asks where your office is, how many brothers or sisters you have, or what your opinion is. He or she searches for power over other people, and wants to know other people’s good and bad points so as to easily influence others.

Talk about own self
He or she likes to be the center of the conversation, is often oppressed. This person wants to draw other people’s attention and be admired. In fact, he or she may not be proud of what he or she is talking. He or she just thinks it will make him or her look good.

Rub own hair
He or she who always rubs his or her hair during the conversation is sensitive, worried and touchy. He or she often has a lot of things in mind. This person is mild, friendly and romantic. However, he or she is bad-tempered, hotheaded and not confident.

Touch own face
He or she who likes to touch any part of the face while conversing is not confident. This person is even afraid that the concealed mistake or defect will be revealed.

Lick own lips
He or she often licks his or her lips because of dry lips or other reasons. If this person is talking to the opposite sex, he or she is interested in the other party.

Touch earlobe
Those who like to touch or pull earlobe are bored with the conversation and want it to end soon.

Scratch own head
Scratching head signals the conversation is not so interesting. He or she who scratches his or her head may want other people to talk about him or her more. He or she is indulgent and always wants to attract others.

Cross legs
He or she who crosses legs during the conversation is quite confident. This person cares much about his or her image and wants to draw the opposite sex’s attention. He or she is often stubborn. Nevertheless, this person also cares about other people’s feeling.

Speak fast
He or she who speaks fast is talkative and good at arguing. This person is confident as well. Nonetheless he or she is indulgent and sometimes aggressive.

Speak slowly
He or she who speaks slowly looks not confident. In fact, this person always does not listen to other people’s ideas and is quite stubborn. He or she often rehearses words before speaking them out.

Source: forwarded email