
Have you ever been broken-hearted?

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June 15, 2009
As a saying goes: “Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”. Yet, love is not only on Valentine’s Day. This is why Wet Wet Wet’s Love Is All Around song touches people’s heart easily. We humans live for love, don’t we?

Although broken heart is not good for one’s health, the way a person copes with such suffering does tell something.

Crying nonstop
You are so serious. When you believe in something, it’s difficult to change your mind. You are honest and hate lies. After crisis or heavy crying, you will be firm and determined to move forward.

Staying alone
You are sensitive and imaginative. You are emotional more than rational. You are often in your private world and it’s hard for other people to get to you. You tend to be a close person. However, you will be patient incredibly when in trouble.

Seeking revenge
You are easily attracted so much that you are often misguided. You will be serious about assets and play tough with others. When it comes to love, you will be deeply in love with that one.

Venting out anger
You lack warmth during childhood, and you like to draw people’s attention when growing up. You need love and concern from others a lot. You become aggressive in response to what other people do. Nevertheless, you are not that strong, deep inside.

Acting as if nothing happens
You are conceited and concern about dignity very much. You do not like other people to think that you are wrong. You believe you can control the situations. You will always solve problems yourself before turning to others.

Going out or meeting friends
You know yourself well. You also know what you want in your life. You will try to attain any goals when doing things. You control yourself well even though you are hurt deep inside. You will tolerate such pain no matter how sensitive you are. You are quite matured.

Working hard
When in love, you will dedicate both physical energy and heart to the one you love. Nonetheless, you will entirely get over the situation when no love. You like to share happiness with others when in a good mood. You are a sincere lover for friends and family as long as they do not intervene in your private business too much.