
Youths not dare say no to sex having, drugs

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


July 4, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – Thai youths did not dare say no to drugs and premature affairs, according to Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth).

Two groups of youths were surveyed. The first group included youths who were not drug addicts in school. The second group consisted of youths who were at drug risk.

The survey covered youths in the four northern provinces, five northeastern provinces, four southern provinces, as well as five provinces in the central region including Bangkok and surrounding provinces.

Youths from both groups did not dare say no to premature sex, drugs and violence.

Only 45.74 percent of youths in school dared say no to such behaviors.

About eight percent of children had mental health problem and wanted to commit suicide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) report.

Most of them were Matthayom 1-3 students.

26 percent said their parents did not pay attention to them, and this reflected that the Thai society was in trouble.

It was shocking that up to 30 percent of children and youths were threatened by health problem, drugs as well as violence in school.