
The use of plastic bags decreases 20% after campaign

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


June 6, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – The number of plastic bags used at big department stores declined 20 percent while the number at convenience stores fell 15 percent.

The 45-day campaign launched by the ministry of national resources and environment played an important role in reducing the use of plastic bags.

Up to 123 tons per year of glass lids were also reduced.

A Thai averagely uses three plastic bags in a day. It is believed that up to 40 million tons of garbage will be cut down if Thais seriously follow the campaign.

Suwit Khunkitt, National Resources and Environment Minister, asked Thai people to pay more attention to the global warming.

Global warming causes drastic weather change and the comeback of epidemics such as Influenza 2009 and Chikungunya.

Water shortage is expected to happen in the near future as well due to global warming.

Bangkok Governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra urged Thais to replace plastic bags with cloth bags.

More use of bicycles is also promoted to reduce emissions which result in greenhouse gases.