
Bangkok and global warming

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


May 2, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – Anti-global warming manuals will be given away to people in Bangkok in a hope to cope with the global warming.

The so-called “Love Bangkok, Love environment” manual will be published to approach three target groups: family, youths and offices.

Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) planned to extend the anti-global warming network to cover the societal and national level.

The anti-global warming manuals will be available in both English and Thai language.

How changing climate affects Bangkok, what is expected to happen in the future, and strategies to cope with the problem are discussed in the manual.

Bangkok currently produces up to 43 million tons per year of carbon dioxide, and is ranked among major sources of greenhouse emissions.

Sources of greenhouse emissions are mainly in the transport sector (37.68%) and power generation (33.37%).

Bangkok is much affected by climate change, and is at flooding risk.