
Family significantly affects suicide decision

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


April 7, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – Five factors including family influenced people’s suicide decision, according to a study.

Public health ministry surveyed thirty families whose members involved in suicide commitment in Trang province.

The qualitative study was conducted between March and April 2008.

Five factors for suicide decision included misunderstandings in family, family relationship, way of child raising, adjustment to economic problem and stress, as well as the role of family members.

Parents sometimes used harsh words against their children, and those words hurt children’s feelings.

Family relationship also influenced suicide decision. Parents and children did not have time for each other, and a problem was not jointly solved.

Children would feel oppressed when their parents ordered them to do things without hearing their opinions.

Besides, economic problem and stress lead to bad relationship between family members who became more distant.

Some family members felt unwanted since other members reiterated such feeling.

Some children were said to develop the adjustment disorder, and this caused difficulty in adjusting to the environment and other things.