
Three million Thais suffer from depression

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


April 3, 2009
Bangkok (Manager Online) - About three million people in Thailand suffered from depression, but only a few hundred thousand people were treated.

The number accounted for 5% of the population.

Another two million Thai people were not aware that they developed the disease.

Dr. Apichai Mongkol, deputy director general of the department of the mental health, said those who committed suicide all used to develop depression.

Depression disease led to suicide. However, it is curable.

Factors causing depression include stress, insufficient rest, alcoholic and caffeinated drinks, and no exercise.

People who are at depression risk were asked to adjust their behaviors while relatives can prevent the disease by observing these people’s behaviors.

Some patients will harm people around them before committing suicide.

The prevention is to make the society safe and reduce damages which can happen to the country.

More Thais committed suicide during 1999-2000, a few years after the financial crisis.

Higher suicide rate can be expected in the next two-three years as a result from the economic crisis during this time.