
Thais consume too little fish despite its various benefits

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


March 23, 2009
Bangkok (Manager Online) - Although eating fish can help prevent chronical diseases, Thai people consumed only 32 kilograms per person per year.

Fish is another helpful food item apart from brown rice and local vegetables. Fish is good for health since it is a source of high-quality proteins.

Fish helps develop the nervous system in kids and infants, and it has no fat which is harmful to human’s heart.

The rate of Thais’ fish consumption was just 32 kilograms a person a year compared to 50 kilograms a person a year in the United States and 69 kilograms per person per year in Japan.

Omega-3 fatty acid in fish helps reduce clogged blood cells, Alzheimer’s disease and stimulate the construction of chemical substance called serotonin in brain which acts against depression.

Freshwater fishes were mostly consumed in the northeast, north, east, west and central region respectively.

Nile tilapia was consumed the most and topped the export list. Thailand is the world’s third largest fish exporter apart from China and Norway.