
Thais expects improving political situation but worse economy

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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January 2, 2008
Bangkok (Manager Online ) - Thai people anticipated the political situation would pick up while economy would be worse, according to a poll.

2,041 respondents were surveyed between December 27, 2008 and January 1, 2009.

37.81 percent thought the political situation would be better while 22.72 percent said the country’s economy should improve.

17.04 percent of Thais also expected tourism business would improve, according to the Suan Dusit poll.

10.23 percent believed Thais would concern more about their health and 9.09 percent thought there would be skytrain and bus route extensions.

However, 29.75 percent expected the world’s economy and investment climate would be worse whereas 23.14 percent said the employment situation would also be bad.

19.01 percent thought the political divide/country’s unity would not improve while 16.53 percent said the southern unrest/people’s unsafety would still be worse.

8.26 percent said Thais’ bad mental condition would not pick up much.