
Vitamilk spends 600M to serve overseas expansion

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


December 20, 2008
Bangkok (Manager Online) - Green Spot Co Ltd, manufacturer and distributor of Vitamilk soy bean milk, was ready to raise the company’s capacity to serve both domestic and overseas growth.

Green Spot already invested 600 million baht in machineries to raise the capacity from 300 to 325 million litres a year.

Capacity increase is to the domestic market which will rise from 35 to over 50 percent, and can serve manufacturing for five years.

The company targets to raise its share of Vitamilk To Go In Black from 10 to 20 percent in the next five years.

Vitamilk To Go In Black has been exported to more than 30 countries. Major export markets are western Africa and the Middle East.

Green Spot plans to expand the Southeast Asian market by exporting to Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia next year.

It targets 25 percent of export growth next year.