
Fertilizer fair for farming season

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


November 28, 2008
Bangkok - The blue-flagged fertilizer fair is taking place at the Indoor Stadium Huamark to offer cheap fertilizer to farmers for the coming farming season.

Yanyong Phuangraj, director general of the internal trade department, presided over the blue-flagged product fair on November 26.

The fair will run until November 30.

The product price is 20-40 percent cheaper than the market price. The fertilizer trader association joined to offer the 46-0-0 urea fertilizer at the price of 790 baht per 50 kilograms.

The price cut is to serve the farming season in December.

It was believed this would help farmers reduce their cost. Farmers are allowed to buy not more than one ton of fertilizer.

The prices of other kinds of fertilizer also tend to drop in line with decreasing oil and raw material prices.

Consumer product prices also tend to fall continually after 20% price decrease in animal feeds.