
CPD: Cheap fertilizer allocation is not possible before April 20

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


April 19, 2008
Bangkok - The cheap fertilizer distribution can not be done before April 20 as a group of cooperatives nationwide is examining their fertilizer stockpiles.

Ms. Supatra Thanaseniwat, director-general of the Cooperative Promotion Department (CPD), revealed the department would not be able to distribute the cheap fertilizers to each area before April 20.

Farmers who want to buy the fertilizers have to pay in cash and get the products at the cooperatives where their residences are in. However, it is believed the existing fertilizers will not meet the demand.

Mr. Yanyong Puangraj, director-general of the Internal Trade Department, said the fertilizer demand is 160,000 tons while the supply is only 150,000 tons.

Selling cheap fertilizers to farmers is a good measure. But it is only the short-term measure to reduce their burden.

The government is urged to set up a committee to examine the real fertilizer price.

Punishments for the hoarders should also be determined.

The government sold the fertilizers to farmers who have less than ten rai of land.

The price is 200-1,000 baht per ton cheaper than the market price.