
Over-800,000-ton longan orders made by foreigners

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


May 24, 2008
Bangkok - Thailand got 818,000-ton longan orders from thirty eight companies worldwide, according to Deputy PM and Commerce Minister Mingkwan Saengsuwan.

Thailand can export about 435,000 tons of longan which will yield more than 35 billion baht.

Longan exports will be in the form of fresh longan this year.

Mingkwan claimed he would give full support to the durian, mangosteen and rambutan farmers.

He will discuss the issue with both domestic and foreign purchasing companies on May 24 in Surat Thani province.

He confirmed the farmers would be able to sell rice at a better price. As for the humid rice problem, he would find ways to solve the problem further.

Previously, more than 200 farmers and fruit growers rallied in front of the Government House to thank the government for helping the farmers.