
It is unlikely to have snows in Thailand due to no supportive factors

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


November 8, 2008
Bangkok - It is least possible that there will be snows in Thailand since very few factors support such possibility, according to the Southeast Asia START Regional Center.

Southeast Asia is one of the eight existing regions of the Global Change System for Analysis, Research and Training (START) network.

Previously, some academics said Thailand would possibly experience snowing in the future.

It may snow in the mountainous north, and chance is once in 100 years.

Supportive factors for snowing are cool mass with sufficient humidity, La Ninya phenomenon, and minus 1-2 degree Celsius of temperature.

Researchers on worldwide climate change predicted that there would be no El Nino or La Ninya phenomenon during 2008-2009.

It is more possible there will be snows in Vietnam since cool mass often moves from the central part of China.