
e-Vis smart card application for cars going to Malaysia

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


September 13, 2008
Bangkok - Foreign cars which enter Malaysia will need to register in the electronic vehicle information system to get the e-Vis smart cards, according to foreign ministry.

Foreign ministry notified the transport ministry’s land transport department of the e-Vis smart card application.

The use of such system is effective since September 1, 2008 onwards.

The system is to prevent all illegal cars from entering Malaysia. Cars which are in Malaysia for more than ninety days will be examined.

Malaysia’s customs department will apply the system to the Thai-Malaysian border post.

Malaysia’s custom post will issue a smart card for each car. There will be no expired date for the smart card, and each car has to show their smart cards whenever they enter or leave the country.

More information, please contact Yasothorn transport office at 0 4571 2667 during office hours.