
Senate calls govt not to use violence against protesters

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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August 29, 2008
Bangkok - Senators urged the government not to use violence to suppress the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) demonstrators.

Using violence was believed to make the political situation more intense and innocent people injured.

Some senators were speaking to the protesters on the stage at the Government House, asking the government not to rely on violent approach.

It was reported the police used their batons to beat even aged people as well as other demonstrators to force them out of the Government House.

Previously, ambulance cars were stopped on the way to the rallying place and medical doctors and nurses were prevented from curing the injured people.

Food which was donated by some supporters was also robbed on the way.

People outside the Government House were also prevented to enter the compound to join the rally.

The issue of arresting 80 men raiding into state-owned NBT television station was raised. It was questioned if the scene was set as the arrest was done shortly after the assault.