
Commerce wants to extend consumer product price cuts

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


June 5, 2008
Bangkok - Commerce ministry plans to negotiate with the consumer product manufacturers to extend their price cuts for two more months.

Yanyong Phangraj, director general of the Internal Trade Department, said the commerce ministry would negotiate with 12 consumer product firms.

The commerce ministry wanted to extend the period of the price cuts in ten product items to July 31.

The price cut campaign ended on May 31.

It was expected most manufacturers would give their cooperation to further reduce the price of not less than 20 product items.

The price cut measure is to help relieve people’s cost of living burden and the country’s inflation.

Commerce ministry also increased the Blue Flag product booths nationwide.

The price of the Blue Flag products is 20-40% cheaper than the market price.