
Second lot of Blue Flag rice not welcomed well in Ayutthaya

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


May 21, 2008
Bangkok - The atmosphere of the Blue Flag rice selling was not so busy in Ayutthaya province as most people did not know the cheap rice was available.

The Internal Trade Department offered the Blue Flag rice at the price of 120 baht per bag for the first day in Ayutthaya.

The general public and officials were allowed to buy only two packs of rice per person.

The sold rice was 5% white rice in the five-kilogram pack. Its price is 20% cheaper than the market price.

The so-called cheap rice was available in five districts. 2,500 packs were offered this morning.

500 more packs of rice will be available in Nakhon Luang District on May 22.