
Noppadon: Thai government is stable

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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June 3, 2008
Bangkok - Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama said Britain’s foreign secretary supported the Thai government to work on, warning a military coup could be opposed by European countries.

Noppadon revealed he discussed the issue of tightening ties between Britain and Thailand with Britain’s foreign secretary.

Asked about Thai politics, he confirmed there was no problem at all as it was just the matter of different opinions.

The foreign minister insisted Thai politics was stable enough and the government would be able to solve the problems.

The army chief Gen Anupong Paochinda and Pol Gen Patcharawat Wongsuwan, the new commissioner-general of the Royal Thai Police, were assigned to persuade the protesters to move to somewhere else.

The People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) protesters have rallied since May 25. The PAD confirmed it would not move from the Makawan Bridge.

Noppadon also denied about the coup rumor, saying the army already announced there would be no coup.

He added that the European countries would act against Thailand more if the military coup took place.