
Poll: Most people disagree to violent measures

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Army chief Gen Anupong Paochinda (middle). AFP Photo.

September 6, 2008
Bangkok - Army chief Gen Anupong Paochinda was praised for not using violence against the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) demonstrators according to a poll.

Bangkok University surveyed 1,042 respondents in Bangkok.

83.8% of the respondents agreed to Gen Anupong’s standpoint which focused on preventing the two opposite groups from clashing with each other.

49.8% supported the emergency decree while 50.2% did not.

60% did not agree to the People Power Party (PPP)’s proposal urging the army chief to suppress the protesters.

35.6% thought Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej should step down while 26.8% wanted to see the parliament dissolution.

60% of the respondents said the mass media (TV stations, newspapers and radio stations) were neutral enough when presenting the political situation news.