
Democrat: It is not the time for state of emergency decree yet

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva (left). MGR Photo.

May 26, 2008
Bangkok - Democrat Party spokesman Ongart Klampaiboon urged the government to maintain peace for the demonstrator group to prevent violence.

He said the police officers had to prevent the pro-government group and People’s Alliance for Democracy demonstrators from clashing with each other.

Ongart said it was not the time to announce the state of emergency.

He added that the government should not issue the royal enactment to hold a referendum on charter change as it would make the situation worse.

It is the Election Commission (EC) who is entitled to issue the act to hold the referendum, according to Article 302.

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva said people were entitled to rally according to the constitution, calling the police to take care of the demonstrators.

Abhisit added that PM’s Office Minister Jakrapob Penkair’s resignation would help reduce the stress and conflict in the society.

He also said he was upset with the premier Samak Sundaravej who did not consider his proposal.