
2 billion baht set aside for July referendum

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

A referendum on the new constitution was held in Thailand on August, 19, 2007. http://en.wikipedia.org

May 21, 2008
Bangkok - Premier Samak Sundaravej plans to hold a referendum on whether to amend a military-backed constitution in early July.

Samak said the government plans to set aside two billion baht (63 million dollar) of budget to hold the referendum.

He will ask for the cabinet’s approval for the issue next Tuesday.

It has been less than 11 months since voters approved the current charter. Voters will be asked if they want to change parts of the charter this time.

Samak’s effort to amend the charter raises fears that another military coup will take place.

The premier originally proposed amending only a few key clauses in the constitution, notably the articles allowing courts to dissolve political parties over election fraud.

However, his People Power Party (PPP) now wants to reinstate almost all of the 1997 constitution.

Most people consider the amendments a hidden agenda to support Thaksin Shinawatra and his parties.