
Makepung in Jembrana

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Jembrana, Indonesia: This picture taken on July 31, 2016 shows a foreign tourist posing as participants compete in a Makepung or bull race with domestic water buffaloes in Jembrana regency on Bali province. AFP/Sonny Tumbelaka
A woman professionally posed during a Makepung in Indonesia.

Makepung is the name of a bull race with their jokeys riding the traditional wooden ploughs that are slightly modified for the competititon.
Jembrana, Indonesia: This picture taken on July 31, 2016 shows a foreign tourist posing as participants compete in a Makepung or bull race with domestic water buffaloes in Jembrana regency on Bali province. AFP/Sonny Tumbelaka
Jembrana, Indonesia: This picture taken on July 31, 2016 shows a foreign tourist posing as participants compete in a Makepung or bull race with domestic water buffaloes in Jembrana regency on Bali province. AFP/Sonny Tumbelaka