
Thought-controlled wheelchair

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Ananova web.

May 26, 2009
Scientists in Spain say they have developed a wheelchair that can be controlled by the mind.

It could allow disabled people to get around merely by thinking about where they want to go, reports the Daily Telegraph.

The wheelchair uses a laser scanner to create a three-dimensional picture of the area around it, which is displayed on a screen.

The user simply concentrates on the part of the display where they want to go and the chair responds accordingly.

A skullcap fitted with electrodes is used to detect brain activity of the users - and work out their desired destination.

Dr Javier Minguez, who developed the chair at the University of Zaragoza in Spain, said the volunteers took just 45 minutes to learn how to use the chair.

He told New Scientist magazine: "The purpose of this work was to demonstrate the usability of the wheelchair.

"All the subjects successfully solved all the navigation tasks and learned how to deal with the device in a similar way."

The wheelchair prototype can only handle two thoughts a minute so far - but Dr Minguez hopes to develop faster and more sophisticated versions in the next few years.