
Thais supports reconciliation campaign

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

AFP Photo.

May 23, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – Thai people gave importance to the national unity, urging all parties to consider the sake of the nation, according to a poll.

Rajabhat University Suan Dusit surveyed 2,037 Thais from all walks of life nationwide.

The survey was conducted on May 20-23.

47.25 percent of the respondents wanted to see reconciliation become concrete, urging all parties to campaign for national unity.

22.39 percent thought that all sectors had to reduce prejudice and emotions for the sake of the country.

42.16 percent anticipated peace after the political conflict was solved whereas 41.67 percent said national unity would happen after reconciliation.

47.17 percent thought that politicians could perform their duties more fully after the national unity.