
49.98 percent want constitution amendments

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


February 17, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – 49.98 percent of respondents backed constitution amendments since some articles have loopholes enabling politicians to exploit the charter.

Rajabhat Suan Dusit surveyed 1,770 respondents in Bangkok and surrounding provinces. The survey was conducted on February 12-15.

49.98 percent said some articles of the 2007 constitution, especially article 237 should be amended.

27.45 percent disagreed to the charter change as it benefited some groups of people while 12.77 percent were unsure due to unclear information.

46.88 percent thought the charter should be amended in terms of political issues, politicians, and how politicians exercised their rights and power.

25.37 percent said people should be allowed to play more roles in politics.

However, 60-70 percent did not pay attention to politics or constitution at all.

Mr. Prinya Thevanaruemitkul, Thammasat University’s professor, said Thailand failed to promote democracy because Thais lost their faith in it, did not understand it, and did not let things happen following the democratic principles.

He added that the court, government and MPs had to be independent of one other to pave way for the political reform.