
No conclusion about long winter yet

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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January 21, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – Thailand is experiencing a longer winter, and this is partly because of more powerful wind.

Smith Dhammasaroj, chief of the National Disaster Warning Center, said Thailand’s current weather condition was due partly to worldwide changing weather.

The fast-changing weather is believed to relate to the global warming although there is no scientific evidence to clearly prove that.

How much Thailand will be affected depends on the overall weather condition. If winter runs until the end of February, summer will surely be shorter.

Higher temperature can also be expected. The highest temperature in the past was 42 degrees celsius which caused less crops.

It is normal that the northeast monsoon which comes from the north pole will pass China and Thailand during winter.

The coldest weather in ten years is because the wind becomes more powerful.

The northeast monsoon is supposed to influence Thailand again at the end of this month. But the weather condition will be less severe.