
Temperature to drop more in Bangkok

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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January 12, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – The temperature in Bangkok and surrounding provinces will gradually fall until it is lower than 15 degrees Celsius, according to the Meteorological Department.

The department earlier warned that the weather would be colder whereas powerful wind could be expected in the Gulf of Thailand.

It was forecast cold weather would continue until January 15.

It will be very cold in some areas of the north and northeast. Frost can be seen on top of the mountain.

Rain can be seen in the lower south due to the northeast monsoon covering the Gulf of Thailand and the south.

Waves in the Gulf of Thailand will be 2-4 metres high. Fishermen were warned not to sail during January 12-15.

The temperature in Bangkok will decrease 1-2 degrees Celsius during January 13-15.

Warmer weather will come back on January 16-17 while foggy morning can be expected.

Cool weather means 16-22.9 degrees Celsius of temperature whereas cold weather 8-15.9 degrees Celsius of temperature, and very cold weather lower than 8 degrees Celsius, according to the department.