
Ten PAD protesters wounded in Bangkok blast

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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October 30, 2008
Bangkok - Six People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) security guards were sent to Vachira Hospital when a small bomb was thrown to them. One person is in coma.

Two men rode a motorcycle and threw a bomb at the PAD security guards at 3:20 am today.

Six severely-injured men were immediately sent to Vachira Hospital.

Two of them were in a coma. Mr. Jirasak Insee was injured around his right neck while Mr. Sathien Tabmalipol was injured at his left head.

Another four persons who got minor injuries were said to receive medical treatments by the PAD.

It is highly possible that Sathien will not survive, according to the hospital’s director Vanchai Charoenchokethavee.

Bangkok Governor Apirak Kosayodhin visited the two severely-injured persons, ordering the City Clerk and directors of five districts to closely keep up with the situation to prevent any violent events.

A grenade was also thrown at Constitution Court judge Jaran Pakdithanakul’s house this morning. Police believed it only meant to threaten.

It was said the pro-government group’s attack on the PAD could be expected, especially after the Supreme Court ruled against then-premier Thaksin Shinawatra in the Ratchadapisek land case.

The Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD) is going to hold a big rally on November 1.