
Foreign ministry has no plan to build refugee shelter

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


October 2, 2008
Bangkok - Thailand has no plan to build a refugee shelter to serve the North Korean refugees, according to foreign ministry.

Voradej Veeravekin, acting deputy director general of the foreign ministry’s department of information, said Thai government had no agreement to build such refugee shelter.

The South Korean government also denied the news.

It was previously reported that South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak proposed building refugee shelters in Thailand and other countries for North Koreans fleeing from their homeland.

According to the 1979 Immigration Act, it is clearly stated that Thailand will take legal actions against illegal immigrants.

North Koreans who illegally enter Thailand will be treated like illegal immigrants from other countries.

However, Thailand will treat those illegal immigrants according to the Thai laws and humanitarian principles.