
New PM ready for border talks with Cambodia

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

AFP Photo.

September 18, 2008
BANGKOK (AFP) - Newly elected Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat said Thursday he is ready to hold talks with his Cambodian counterpart Hun Sen to resolve a simmering border spat.

The two countries swapped fresh accusations of violating each other's territory Wednesday in the dispute over land near ancient temples along their border.

"I'm ready to talk with Prime Minister Hun Sen to achieve better understanding and mutual benefit," Somchai told reporters at Thailand's foreign ministry the day after he was elected premier in parliament.

Somchai added he expected delegates from the neighbouring countries to hold talks next week during the UN General Assembly in New York, although he himself would not attend the annual meeting of heads of state.

Hun Sen on Wednesday accused Thai soldiers of being thieves "creating anarchy" around border areas, while the Thai foreign ministry responded that armed Cambodian units had intruded into its territory in August and September.

Hun Sen has hinted in recent weeks that he might take his boundary complaints to the UN Security Council or international courts if the neighbours cannot resolve their border disagreement.

Much of their border remains in dispute, and demarcation has been held up by the slow pace of demining in the region.

Tensions flared in July after Preah Vihear was awarded world heritage status by the UN cultural body UNESCO, angering nationalists in Thailand who still claim ownership of the ancient Khmer temple.

Those tensions turned into a military standoff in which up to 1,000 Cambodian and Thai troops faced off for six weeks, until both sides agreed to pull back in mid-August.

Talks to discuss withdrawing troops from around Preah Vihear were postponed late last month amid political turmoil in Thailand.

The International Court of Justice ruled in 1962 that the temple belongs to Cambodia, but surrounding land remains in dispute.

Thai king Bhumibol Adulyadej was expected to formally endorse Somchai as premier later Thursday.