
Military will not stage coup to quell protests: Anupong

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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August 26, 2008
Bangkok - Army chief Gen Anupong Paochinda confirmed there would be no coup to suppress the anti-government protesters, asking all parties to remain calm.

"The military will not stage a coup d'etat. The public must not panic and must carry on their daily lives. The army will not get involved in politics," General Anupong Paojinda told reporters.

Gen Anupong said the police would maintain law and order and they have not contacted the military to give help so far.

The People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) demonstrators this morning seized the state-run NBT television station and surrounded the Government House.

They vowed to block other key government buildings.

"I am confident that the police can handle it. There will not be a military coup or bloodshed," Lieutenant General Prayuth Chano-cha, Bangkok military commander, told AFP.

The PAD has staged the rally since May 25, demanding Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej to resign from his post.

PM Samak yesterday said his government was elected legally and he would not quit just because of the pressure from the protesting group.