
Household LPG consumption drops

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

AFP Photo.

June 30, 2008
Bangkok - The LPG consumption in the household sector fell from 55% to 51%, according to energy ministry.

Oil prices are currently the fifth factor affecting people’s way of life.

It is sold at two different prices to prevent the use of LPG in the industrial and transport sector.

LPG price is up to 50% cheaper than the gasoline price.

Some entrepreneurs and petrol stations took a chance to raise the installation cost nearly onefold.

Mr. Kurujit Nakhonthap, deputy permanent-secretary for energy, said the energy ministry could not announce the LPG price structure in advance for fear that there would be illegal LPG export and hoarding.

Yanyong Phuangraj, director-general of the Internal Trade Department, revealed some LPG traders did not supply LPG to LPG stations.