
PAD visits to give support to AEC

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


June 9, 2008
Bangkok - The People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) went to cheer up the Assets Examination Committee (AEC) to act against corruption.

More than 1,000 PAD demonstrators first gathered at the Makawan Rangsan Bridge before heading to visit the AEC at about 1.00 pm.

Roses were given to the eleven AEC members to show their support for the anti-corruption panel.

Wearing the yellow T-shirts to prevent the third party’s intervention, the protesters all shouted ‘Fight on AEC’ and ‘Thaksin gets jailed’.

They also sang a ‘We fight’ song to cheer up the AEC members, and Suriyasai Katasila, PAD’s coordinator, read the group’s statement to back the AEC.

Khunying Jaruwan Mentaka then thanked the PAD and cheered it up in return.

The AEC established after the 2006 coup will be expired at the end of this month.

It has finished twelve cases so far and one of them is now dealt by the Supreme Court.