
Most people back PAD’s rally

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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June 9, 2008
Bangkok - Most Thai people supported the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD)’s rally based on peace while Bangkokians became less supportive for Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej.

Assumption University surveyed 3,338 respondents in 18 provinces nationwide.

The survey was conducted during June 1-8.

54.9% of the Bangkokians backed the PAD’s rally and 52.7% of the rural people gave their support for the protest.

Most people thought the rally would be all right as long as it did not cause social chaos and make people afflicted.

However, 37.9% of the Bangkokians and 40.9% of rural people diagreed to the protest, according to the ABAC Poll.

43.7% of respondents in Bangkok did not want Samak to be the prime minister while 50.8% in rural provinces liked him as the premier.

Samak’s popularity clearly dropped in the past four months. The number of his supporters fell from 45.4% to 28.9% while the number of his protesters rose from 36.8% to 43.7%.

54.5% in Bangkok and 54.1% in countryside became less happy with the political situation.