
Santi Asoke sect joins anti-government protest

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Bangkok, THAILAND : Members of Santi Asoke Foundation take rest during a protest against the government at a major avenue in Bangkok on May 27, 2008. A radical sect of Buddhist monks joined an anti-government protest, camping out in Bangkoks historic district in a scene reminiscent of demonstrations that led to a coup two years ago. AFP PHOTO/PORNCHAI KITTIWONGSAKUL

May 27, 2008
BANGKOK - Hundreds of members of the so-called "Dharma Army" set up camps along with protesters who began a demonstration late Sunday, calling on Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej to drop his plans to amend the constitution.

The 10,000 members of the Santi Asoke sect live in self-sufficient communes based on strict monastic discipline, abstaining from sex and alcohol and eating just one vegetarian meal a day, according to AFP.

The sect is led by the 73-year-old Maj Gen Chamlong Srimuang who played an important role in the September 2006 coup.

Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung accused the People’s Alliance for Democracy of breaking traffic laws by blocking the road as the protestors have barricaded a section of the Rajadamnoen Road.

Chalerm also accused the PAD of harming the country’s image, saying this would affect Thailand’s tourism and investment.

There were clashes between the PAD demonstrators and pro-government group on Sunday.

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej has proposed to settle the conflict by holding a referendum on whether to amend the charter.