
Egat: Power consumption dropped during Songkran holidays

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

AFP Photo.

April 25, 2008
Bangkok - People used less electricity during April 12-16, according to Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Egat) Governor Mr. Sombat Santichari.

The power consumption dropped during that period as it was five consecutive holidays.

The electricity consumption decreased the most on April 14. The maximum consumption was 15,967.5 megawatts, 27.4% or about 6,000-megawatt fall.

The power use in Bangkok and the Central Region dropped the most – about 43% and 35% decrease respectively.

Egat is the state enterprise that owns and manages the majority of Thailand’s electricity generation capacity as well as the nation’s transmission network.

It is under the Ministry of Energy.

Egat’s electricity is mostly sold to the Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) which supplies Bangkok region and the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) which supplies the rest of the country.