
Astrologer: Samak will dissolve parliament

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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April 5, 2008
Bangkok - Warin Bualertrat predicted a lot of people would die and the army would have to take a role in bringing back peaceful Thailand. Samak government would last for less than one year and General Anupong would be the next prime minister.

Mr. Warin Bualertrat, a famous astrologer in the north, said there would be the political turmoil due to coalition parties’ conflicts.

He added that there would be another bloodshed or coup d’etat and the army would come in to adjust the situation.

There will be a big merit-making event on April 7 to improve Thailand’s fate.

How serious the result of the bloodshed or coup is depends on boon of such merit-making.

The bloodshed is mainly because of Thaksin’s allies who are in the current government and the group of former Thai Rak Thai Party’s 111 executives.

The only choice to prevent the bloodshed is to dissolve the parliament and it is highly possible that PM Samak Sundaravej will have to take this choice.

Samak government will last only for this year.

It is also possible there will be the political reform in which many people die.

Turmoil is said to happen after Thaksin’s third arrival in Thailand. Thaksin has returned to Thailand twice so far.

Army chief Gen Anupong Paochinda is likely to become the next prime minister of Thailand.