
Thaksin does not believe in predictions

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

MGR Photo.

April 7, 2008
Bangkok - Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra does not believe the predictions that PM Samak Sundaravej will dissolve the parliament and there will be another coup.

The ex-premier gave his interview before flying to Cambodia to play golf with Cambodian PM Hun Sen on April 5.

He said it was possible for the parliament dissolution to happen, but adding that people should not take it too seriously.

He asked all parties to do their best for the sake of the nation.

Asked about changing the prime minister, Thaksin emphasized he has not involved in politics so far.

Opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva urged Thai people not to be panicked by the predictions, asking all parties to do for the sake of the nation.

Gen Prem Tinsulanonda, statesman and chairman of the Privy Council, refused to give any comment on this matter.