
CNS gives green light for Thaksin’s return

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Former PM Thaksin Shinawatra. http://www.asiasentinel.com

January 22, 2008
Bangkok - Council for National Security (CNS)’s spokesman said the CNS agreed to Thaksin’s return to bring back the national unity.

Colonel Sansern Kaewkamnerd, CNS spokesman, revealed the CNS believed Thaksin’s return would build a good relationship between the CNS and new government.

He confirmed Thaksin could come back to Thailand without entering a monkhood.

It was previously said Thaksin planned to enter his monkhood at Wat Yannawa to avoid his foes’ anger.

Deciding to hold its last weekly meeting today, the junta will let a new government take control of the country.

"Today they agreed that they will cease conducting meetings as the Council for National Security," Sansern told AFP.

Rumor has it that the junta reached a negotiation with the new government to have former army chief General Prawit Wongsuwan take the helm of defence ministry.

However, Sansern declined to say whether the military wanted Prawit to take the job. He only said the junta believed "the defense minister should be a neutral person, and a military officer who fully understands the military."