
BMA speeds up biodiesel scheme following HM the King’s initiative

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Biodiesel sample. http://en.wikipedia.org

January 10, 2008
Bangkok - Bangkok Governor signed a deal with Bangchak Petroleum Plc, department stores and private markets to speed up the biodiesel scheme to pave way for Thai society to become the self-sufficiency society.

The scheme is to mark HM the King’s 80th birthday anniversary.

Used vegetable oil can be sold at the price of 14 baht per litre. There were twenty points where people can sell their used vegetable oil early last year.

Normally, the used vegetable oil will be blended to make the B5 biodiesel which is one baht cheaper than the regular diesel price.

This year, the biodiesel demand has risen threefold from 15 to 45 million litres per month and tends to soar more.

BMA will try to raise the number of sale points to 435 by this March 2008.

Biodiesel is a diesel-equivalent processed fuel consisting of methyl/ethyl esters and made by transesterification of vegetable oil or animat fat which can be used in unmodified diesel-engine vehicles.

It is also biodegradable and non-toxic.