
ศูนย์สมานฉันท์แรงงานสากล- ICLS (ICLS)

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva
Prime Minister
Kingdom of Thailand,

15 July 2009

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

We at International Center for Labor Solidarity (ICLS) were amazed to learn that the police of your country have issued a summons against 35 people involved in the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) on suspicion of invasion and destruction of property, inciting an act of terrorism causing the airport’s operations closed down last year.

Among those 35 summoned there are 4 trade union-related members. We see with grave concern how things develop.

It is one of the fundamental human rights for people to have rallies and demonstrations using non-violent means. Every government should respect these basic rights. In addition we know there was some violence during the airport closures and that was the throwing of a grenade into the rally held by the PAD, killing one person and injuring several others. There is a need for exercising strict control over such criminal act.

Deeply concerned about the current situation, on behalf of ICLS, I solemnly request Mr. Prime Minister of Kingdom of Thailand as follows.

1, To withdraw charges against all those summoned including trade union members.

2, To withdraw especially an allegation of “an act of terrorism” which is too different from reality.

Very truly yours,

Osamu Yomono
General Secretary of International Center for Labor Solidarity (ICLS)