
Giant crepe

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Gourin, Morbihan, FRANCE: Winner Fabienne Calvez shows the crepe she cooked, 84 cms in diameter, during the largest crepe (Brittanys pancake) of the world contest on July 28, 2013 as part of the Pancake Day (Fete de la crepe) in Gourin, western France. AFP PHOTO/Fred Tanneau
Winning Fabienne Calvez displayed the crepe she cooked as part of the Pancake Day in Gourin, France. The largest crepe had the diameter of 84 centrimetres.
Gourin, Morbihan, FRANCE: candidates try to cook the largest crepe (Brittanys pancake) of the world on July 28, 2013 during the Pancake Day (Fete de la crepe) in Gourin, western France. AFP PHOTO/Fred Tanneau
Gourin, Morbihan, FRANCE: A candidate tries to cook the largest crepe (Brittanys pancake) of the world on July 28, 2013 during the Pancake Day (Fete de la crepe) in Gourin, western France. AFP PHOTO/Fred Tanneau
Gourin, Morbihan, FRANCE: Winner Fabienne Calvez tries to cook the largest crepe (Brittanys pancake) of the world on July 28, 2013 during the Pancake Day (Fete de la crepe) in Gourin, western France. AFP PHOTO/Fred Tanneau