
Swine flu death toll reaches 1,462, infections slow in south

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Bangkok, Thailand: This photo taken on July 2, 2009 shows passer-bys wearing masks to protect themselves from the flu when being in the crowd or public place. Some 1,462 people have died from the swine flu. AFP Photo.

August 12, 2009
GENEVA (AFP) - The World Health Organisation on Tuesday said some 1,462 people had died from swine flu, and that infections were starting to decline in the southern hemisphere but picking up in several Asian countries.

"The pandemic virus appears to have peaked and is now in decline" in several countries in the southern hemisphere, a WHO spokeswoman told journalists in Geneva.

Countries where a deceleration has been recorded include Argentina, Chile, Australia and New Zealand, she said.

Several Asian countries such as Thailand, India and Vietnam are however seeing an active spread of the disease, which was declared a pandemic on June 11, added the spokeswoman.

In all, 177,457 confirmed infections have been reported to the WHO, but the figure understates the full number since individual cases no longer have to be tested or reported.

Data released August 5 by the UN health agency showed that 1,154 people died after being infected by the A(H1N1) virus.

By comparison, seasonal flu causes about 250,000 to 500,000 deaths a year, and results in about three to five million cases of severe illness, according to the WHO.