
Even for a nation of thieves, it’s never too late

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AFP Photo.

by Dr. Sawai July 29, 2009
84.5% of respondents regarded cheating as a normal business practice and 51.2% said corruption by government officials was acceptable as long as it improved their living conditions, according to ABAC Poll.

Similar surveys over the past few years reached the same conclusions regardless of respondents’ geographical regions. Such findings clearly point out that Thailand is a nation made up largely of thieves who will cheat at any given opportunities.

With such a mindset, no further explanation is needed as to why Thailand has not been able to reach the level of development achieved by other Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea, despite having relatively more natural resources.

If we raise this issue with the fellow Thais, a lot of them will quickly point out that corruption also exists in those countries. It is true that corruption does indeed exist in those countries and, for that matter, in all countries, but the difference lies in the degree. In more advanced countries, corruption is not so high as to stifle development.

A few weeks ago, former president of South Korea was driven by shame to commit suicide after rumors circulated that he was involved in corruption while in office. In the case of Thailand, a former prime minister apparently feels no shame even after being convicted of corruption. Moreover, a large number of Thais have joined a political movement to clear him, including the current drive to prepare a petition with at least one million signatures to obtain a royal pardon.

Bad as the readiness to cheat may be, it is one of the four Thai characters that have been labeled detrimental to development, according to a former prime minister who echoed opinions expressed by some foreigners who knew Thais well. The others are laziness, ostentatiousness and jealousy.
AFP Photo.
Many Thais who hear this for the first time may be offended; they should not be, for evidence can be found everywhere. Government lottery tickets are sold out regularly at premium prices, because a lot of Thais wish to gain a high level of income without working for it. Young Thai women marry retired foreigners whose pensions provide a road to an easy life. These phenomena may not be laziness as commonly understood but laziness nonetheless.

Expensive German cars, Swiss watches and French handbags are sold well in Thailand. Thais buy more luxury German cars than Japaneses who are far more numerous with much higher income than Thais. Personal debt has become a critical problem mainly because most Thais feel a strong need to keep up with their peers. Large debt may be incurred to financially support ostentatious ceremonies to marry off daughters or send sons into monkhood just for two weeks.
Jealousy may not be apparent. Nevertheless, cooperative movement in Thailand has never been successful since it was introduced during the reign of Rama VI. It seems Thais cannot work cooperatively for any length of time. Tens of thousands of Buddhist temples have been built. Many practically are next to each other, because the solution for disagreement among members of the congregation is to build another one. These phenomena indicate the lack of social capital which is vital for development.

The survey findings and foreigners’ opinions reflect the true picture of our society which we have ignored or denied for a long time. Our mindset must be changed, so that Thailand can develop further. Grim as the picture may be, it is never too late to do that. While responsibility lies with all of us, the ruling class should take the lead, for it has had better opportunities.

As for the government, there are a lot of possible suggestions. However, I would like to offer only three beginning with the easiest: do not approve the current online lottery proposal and make gambling in whatever form more convenient in the future; start revamping the tax base with the ultimate aim of making progressive consumption tax the main source of revenues; and make sure that its own ranks are not populated by corrupt politicians.