
Five main problems for Thai children

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July 8, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – Thai society is facing value crisis since Thai children are more familiar with cheating, the combination of Thai and English words, sex for luxury goods, and raping scenes.

Culture ministry found that children and youth problems were worrying.

First of all, Thai children had a new social value. They thought that it was acceptable to be smart and cunning. They also liked to speak Thai and English words at the same time.

Secondly, they imitated the press, soap operas and advertisements. Thai children longed to own the latest products. Several children borrowed loans or had sex to buy such products.

Next, gambling was a hidden danger for Thai children. Football gambling was popular among children and youths and threatened their future.

Then, violence was widespread among children. They were more familiar with physical, verbal and mental violence. This was influenced by watching soap operas and playing computer games.

Finally, attitudes toward sex changed. More than 90 percent of Thai songs were about love, particularly illogical love. As a result, more Thai children had sex.

Children mostly had one-night affairs, and the sexual partners did not know each other much.